Heretic Hero Genre

Ockham’s Epiphany: A Short Story Written in this Genre Seen in books by me writing as Anaxagoras Pen The Moral Irony of the Outcast Saint. The Hero’s Integrity is Demonstrated by Defiance. Enlightenment Shapes the Hero’s Noble Motivation. The Protagonist Rises in Defiance and Wins by Enlightenment. While the antagonism is institutional, religious bodies are… Continue reading Heretic Hero Genre

Eleazar’s Conclusions

An Early Draft of Eleazar Figuring Out the Conclusions of Monotheism Eleazar answers, “our understanding of personality is built around a dynamic structure of mind, heart and will. Personality is a structural phenomenon common in the universe. The personality of human beings is only one form of the organizing psychological structure we call personality. Plant… Continue reading Eleazar’s Conclusions