Heretic Hero Genre

Ockham’s Epiphany: A Short Story Written in this Genre Seen in books by me writing as Anaxagoras Pen The Moral Irony of the Outcast Saint. The Hero’s Integrity is Demonstrated by Defiance. Enlightenment Shapes the Hero’s Noble Motivation. The Protagonist Rises in Defiance and Wins by Enlightenment. While the antagonism is institutional, religious bodies are… Continue reading Heretic Hero Genre

Ockham’s Secret Manuscript 1

Ockham’s Epiphany ends with his murder, and the burning of the manuscript he read from by his murderer, so I thought a secret manuscript would fill out the Ockham perspective on Limitation Philosophy. Ockham a legendary logician is the ideal writer for a systematic stating of Limitation Philosophy. There is much in Ockham published writings… Continue reading Ockham’s Secret Manuscript 1

The Double Election

Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria elects an Anti-Pope in Rome Louis of Bavaria had had no difficulty in creating a schism: but now he had to persuade Christendom to accept the pope he had made. This task was rendered the more thankless by the fact that he had chosen a man of negative personality, about whom… Continue reading The Double Election